Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vision: Where are we headed?

Based on your values as an educator, what are some essential elements of a good school? List 3 to 5 items.


3 Mission Questions

1.If we expect all students to learn, WHAT is it we expect them to learn? (What do we want them to do?)

2. HOW will we know if they are learning it? (How will we know if they are succeeding?)

3. What will we do when they DON'T? (What will we do to ensure success?)

4. How will we engage students in their own learning?


Welcome to Desert Mirage 2010-2011

The 2010-2011 school year is off to an exciting start with our new administration, including Principal Luis Rodriguez and Assistant Principals Tara Alford and Sergio Torres. We also have more than 15 new teachers. Summer trainings in AVID strategies, Advanced Placement, Thinking Maps and ERWC have helped staff to enter the school year with confidence and passion. As the year goes on, we will continue to use this blog to clarify our Mission, Vision, Values and Goals as a school community to ensure that FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.